Why Choose Chubby Mealworms?

Fallen Fruits Wooden Fire Log - Swedish Torch Log
These Fallen Fruits Swedish style fire logs at a garden party are not only eye catching but provide plenty of light and heat. They burn down vertically making them more concentrated than a regular campfire.
The slow burning logs provide over an hour of pleasant warmth thanks to the unique way oxygen gets to the fire. The Finnish candle's burn time depends on the wind and weather.
These wooden candles were used by the Swedish soldiers during the Thirty Year War for 1618 to 1648, allowing them to turn freshly chopped pine trees into firewood thanks to the special drilling technique. This way they didn't have to travel great distances to gather firewood for their camps.
Made from natural fire wood, originally from Ukraine.
Rough dimensions: 25cm x 25cm x25.2cm.
Please note: each log will differ in size as they are made form natural tree logs.
Jute rope handle.
Including firelight.