Why Choose Chubby Mealworms?

Out & About Kids Monkey Business Peanuts In Shells
The Chubby Out 'n' About range has been created to try and help encourage children to get involved and help their local birds & wildlife. Availble in 1 litre tubs, whih make them easy to store at home, and great for little hands to carry while Out 'n' About.
1 Litre Peanuts in Shells
Chubby Monkey Nuts are an excellent option for birds that like to work for their food such as tits. These shelled peanuts are high in oil, and offer a great energy value as well as being a valuable food source for wild birds.
Monkey nuts are a great way to encourage wild birds to naturally forage for their food. The species of wild birds in particular that enjoy the challenge of breaking the shell of monkey nuts are Jackdaws, Magpies and Crows. Blue tits have also been known to chip away at the shell of a monkey nut!
Nuts are very palatable for most parrots. Some parrots, such as the Macaws, thrive on high-fat nuts and seeds, and will take great pleasure from extricating monkey nuts from their soft shells. Other species can pile on the fat, though, and may even develop liver problems if there are too many nuts in their diet.